Monday 24 November 2014

Lesson Update: Why do IT cambridge?

Today in IT Cambridge, Rufus and I got asked to do a assembly to advertise IT Cambridge to the upcoming year 11s. We will create a short PowerPoint to show what IT Cambridge is and what are the advantages of picking IT Cambridge for one of their A-level options. Will we also stress that there are no exams so this will really appeal for year 11s as they are about to their mock exams.
This assembly will be next Monday to all the year 11s.

Wednesday 12 November 2014

Lesson update: The Finishing Touches

Over the last week in IT Cambridge I am finishing off the final touches of unit 1. Most of the tasks I am finishing off are evidence and explanations of previous tasks I have completed. But as the final date where all tasks have to be submit is approaching fast I need to complete submit evidence for task very quickly. There isn't much more to say about my process with IT Cambridge as I just doing the final finishing touches to all the pieces. Thanks for reading

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Lesson Update: A guide to the basics

Today in Cambridge technical, I created a questionnaire that we give me the feedback on my beginners guide to Photoshop. It has open and closed questions which we help me find improvements for my guide. I will be giving my questionnaire to other 6th formers with little IT experience that have used my guide. My finished guide contains the very basics of Photoshop, for example cropping and changing the colour. Hopefully they will give lots of constructive feedback and therefore help me improve my guide ever further. Thanks for reading!