Wednesday 10 December 2014

Lesson Update: Tesco, Here we Come!

Today in IT Cambridge technical I got informed when we are going to Tesco and what information we'll be collected while we are there. Basically the reason for the trip is to see how information systems are used in everyday businesses. Tesco is a great local example of how information systems are used. We will be given a free 30 minute tour around Tesco so we can take notes about all the technical jargon and all the technical details about the systems. All the research that we will collect from the trip will be used help us write a report about information systems that'll count towards my coursework. Thanks for reading!

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Lesson Update: Assembly complete!

Today my IT Cambridge lesson was cancelled so it isn't really a "lesson update" but rather a "how the assembly went.... Update". The assembly was about advertising IT Cambridge to the year 11s and to get them interested about choosing IT Cambridge as one of their A-level options. It was a success, we gave lots of information to the year 11s without any confusing or illiterate sentences. We kept it quick, clean and we spoke and explain all relevant points. Mrs Bridger (our teacher) has said that she will give us any references when needed, in return for doing the assembly. Thanks for reading!