Tuesday 30 September 2014

IT technical adverts!

Today in Cambridge technical we learnt about the most effective way to advertise a IT apprenticeship to the sixth form. We decided that augmented reality in an advert would be the most effective way to inform masses of people about IT apprenticeship. This advert would have to humorous as those advert are normally remembered the most and can be shared across the internet easily. This is why we decided to show this advert in breaks between popular shows that young people watch like gadget show and before YouTube videos. Of course this is all theoretical, we are just discussing the best and most effective methods. We have to make a short 5 min radio show to express are ideas.
Thanks for reading.

Thursday 25 September 2014

Creating a Résumé for future use

Today in Cambridge Technical, I was required to create a effective résumé that catches the employers eye and stands out from the crowd of the other job applicants. Lucky for me I had a pretty good résumé already prepared at home and I took the best bits of that and updated it to suit the purpose. The purpose was to create a Résumé that can be used to apply for a IT related job. In this lesson we concentrated on the layout and design as if you catch the employers attention, it can be the different between getting the interview or not. Hopefully by Friday I will finalise the finishing touches and make I résumé that will make me proud to say it is mine.

Thursday 18 September 2014

Unit 1 Task

Today in Cambridge technical I finished off my effective communication PowerPoint which was a great success. The PowerPoint explained in detail what the benefits and disadvantages of each different type of communication. Later on in the PowerPoint the PowerPoint explains how to overcome those communication barriers. Finally in this lesson I finished off the infographic that I had started in my spare time. This inforgraphic tells the reader information about IT jobs and what the employer values.

Thanks for reading

Friday 12 September 2014

Today in IT Cambridge technical we learnt about how effective communication can be in the work place and how important it is to be able to communicate to your employees in a way in which they can understand. We had to research about the four methods of communication: verbal, Non-verbal, writing and using technology. While researching we had to identify the advantages of the method, the disadvantages of the method and how to overcome those disadvantages. The final product was a word document with a table filled with the ideas we had thought about and how they relate to those four methods.

Thanks for reading, I will be blogging once every week.